Originally Posted by CShine
"Responsibility-based" society = dictatorship. People like Michael Coren are a direct threat to freedom because they propose that we set out to destroy the very Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers fought and died to guarantee.
Oh please. Never was there a group of men more responsibility oriented. They wrote the Bill of Rights to ensure the government would not be able to trample on the rights of the people without ever considering that someday the people would absolutely abandon their responsibilities as citizens.
This piece was written about Canada but it could just as easily apply to the US today and maybe to just about any country in the “civilized” west. Face facts, we have forgotten that with great freedom (or rights) comes greater responsibility, at least here in the US. We take them for granted. The Founding Fathers would likely be rightfully ashamed of how our “rights” and “freedoms” are exercised today with little or no regard to responsibility.