Originally Posted by iccky
Lets remember that they all appeared in different places, each one using different sources and quoting different material (except that mathew and luke both used mark as a source) and all coming up with a very simmilar portrait of Jesus. Either there is some truth underlying this, or there was an unbelivably effieient conspriracy allowing the early christians to get their stories straight.
Not only were they similar to each other, they were similar to earlier stories about mythical godmen. Those stories were purely allegorical, like the stories of Zeus etc, and were recounted in societies grom Greece through to Mesopotamia. It's no great stretch of the imagination to suppose that some of the myths spread to Judea as well. Anyway, a son of god, born to a virgin after a 7 month pregnancy, who performs miracles such as turning water into wine at a wedding, gets himself a following and is then falsely accused and executed is a story which predates even the supposed birth of Jesus.