Originally Posted by raeanna74
This is the thing that I do not understand at all. New Orleans, even the worst part of it, is not CHEAPER living than many places in the country in the North. Why DON'T they move? Why do they throw themselves back into the same predicament? It's senseless to me.
If it were me, if I HAD been a resident there, you can BET that I would be moving OUT of the floodplain if not OUT of town. The only thing that would bring me back is if I OWNED land. Even then I would do my utmost to sell it though I'm sure the value would be less at this point.
see, this seems logical, but as i've said before, it's human nature to move back. People will proudly move back, rebuild, etc. Over and over again. tradition, history, self importance, it doesn't matter, people will rebuild almost anythign that is destroyed, come hell or high water..literally.
it's human nature, that's all. Why don't homeless/poor move out of new york city? There are many places that are cheaper/easier to live, but people 'can't' or don't want to leave. same thing, diff field.