There was an evacuation warning.
But the local N.O. charity hospital (i.e. not a rich private one) asked for help in carrying out the evacuation and got NOTHING from the city, state, or US Govt.
People in the poor areas who heard the evac. warning had nowhere to go, no way to get there, and no resources sent their way by city, state, or federal govt.
Interesting to see a similar tropical storm in China - there was mandatory evacuation in the days running up to landfall, well resourced by the national govt. and then a security cordon placed around the evacuated city to keep out looters.
Lots of people stayed n N.O. because they had no way out, and lots of people stayed because they believed that as soon as their backs were turned all their stuff would be ripped off by the gun armed poor.
There was a piece from a UK reporter in N.O. this morning that I heard, saying that the scale of the resources put into the rescue/recovery is vast, but that you can't see SHIT happening inside the city. It's all on the fringes (i.e. saving PROPERTY not PEOPLE).
At the convention centre there are 10 - 15 thou refugees, and a squad of armed police/nat. guard to shoot people if they start trouble - but NOBODY taking names or doing medical assessments to see what resources are required, or who might need medevac.
I watched some footage of a squadron of Chinook helicopters making delivery drops in the city.
They were dropping ice. ICE!
Not food, or water, but ice. The small amount of food that they had on board (six crates of MRE) were not handed out in a systematic fashion, but given one case each to the first six people that came to the door. Other people nearby spoke of being threatened with handguns when they approached the "lucky winners".
The USMC as experience of handing out aid to a lawless and frightened populace (anyone remember Mogadishu?) - but all the classic mistakes seem to be being made on the ground at home.
I pity the victims.
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine
Last edited by Daniel_; 09-03-2005 at 12:18 AM..