I've been waiting, but I haven't seen a discussion of this yet. I apologize if it's been posted somewhere else.
Can anyone (Pan? ZenTom?) convince me that the bad guys wouldn't have guns in New Orleans if only there were better gun control laws there?
Here's what Neal Boortz had to say. I can't link to it, but you can find it by going to
Boortz and reading his Friday, 9/2 column. Be forewarned that he has quite a bit to say about the charges of racism that are emerging, and he uses blunt language.
Here's what he had to say about guns:
I mentioned this above .. but let's bring it up again. Gun control. For decades the left has been eager to disarm the American people. Democrats and liberals have been dedicated to the idea that only government should have guns, that the people should totally and completely put their right of self defense to government. How would you like to have been one of the people in New Orleans who sat out the storm in their house, only to now find to now find predatory looters trying to come through the front door ... and no police help available. One shot through the door to take out that first looter and the rest would run. They're looking for safe targets, not homeowners with guns. And what about the hospitals? I'm almost dead certain that the rules in these hospitals forbade any employees from having guns on the premises. Now we hear about doctors and nurses moving patients to higher floors of hospitals while looters make their way upstairs. Do they wish they had guns now? How about that children's hospital that was under siege a few nights ago?
Now you know. In times of disaster and civil unrest the government isn't - can't be there to help you. You will, at least for some period of time, be on your own. You have a responsibility to your children, to your family members, to protect them. Are you up to it? Do you have a gun?
What about this program I told you about a few weeks ago .. a program whereby you were supposed to ask the parents of your children's playmates whether or not they had a gun in the home. Presumably you were supposed to tell your children they couldn't visit a home where there was a gun in the house. How special. OK ... so let's say that your child is visiting one of these wonderful gunless homes .. and some disaster strikes. Maybe it's an earthquake, or our Islamic friends. You can't get to your children, and you know that there are predators and looters in the streets. Your children. Are they safe? Are you proud that you made sure that the adults in that home would have no way to protect themselves --- and your children --- until the cops got there.
The gun control loons out there have all sorts of ideas as to how to get the guns away from law-abiding citizens. Have them explain to you just how they are going to make sure that the predators don't have guns when disaster strikes.
That's a pretty good summation of why most of the gun owners I know are so against the nullification of the second amendment. You just never know when you're going to need your rights.
Especially when you see the movies posted here and many other places in which police either joined in the looting, or did nothing to stop crimes.