I would argue that coded arms and need for speed underground rivals are terrible games. both were rushed, and feel incomplete. hell, nfs even says on the box that it's got online multiplayer, but it doesn't. I remember one of my cars with a body kit scraped the ground on turns. There's no reason for NFS to not have played like the PS2 version. It was rushed to meet the american release, and didn't even. I've since played through and sold both these games.
The PSP libary is crap. Some good DS games are coming around finally, after almost a year of wait. I bought my DS wednesday, and my PSP in june. PSP will have it's day. Just, not for a while. I forsee in the next 10 years that portable gaming will be preferred over console, but we've got a while till that happens. Having a little competition between more than one company will force a little more innovation into the console market, and I think we'll be seeing fewer snes or n64 direct ports From Nintendo because of this. PSP already has 2 PSX ports on the way from Capcom. I'm not totally against that, it just got annoying that the high profile GBA titles were all SNES games for a while.
Since you won't be able to run homebrew out of the box, I would suggest either waiting for a price drop, or waiting for firmware 1.52 to get cracked. Then you could at least play SNES, Genesis, gameboy or Neo Geo CD classics. I spend more time now on Chrono Trigger and Sonic 3 and Knuckles than I do with Wipeout Pure, which I also love...
I do it for the rare drops