The mayor wasn't the only one who knew the hurricane was coming. People in the south keep track of those sorta things, they've lived through hurricanes and know what they can do. The residents aren't stupid. There's little you can do except board up your windows and hope for the best. There was an evacuation warning, and some warning is better than no warning. If there was no warning it still isn't like no one knew a hurricane was coming. And the people of New Orleans know the circumstances they face as far as elevation and all that stuff. You can yell and scream at some people to evacuate but there will ALWAYS ALWAYS be people who stay behind for whatever reason. Be it a medical reason, or just not wanting to abandon their home. I don't see how the people who did evacuate made out any better. They got crammed into a stadium and got left there to rot by everyone. Those are the ones who listened to the warnings.
Multiple hurricanes roll through that area every year, and you never know what track they'll take until they're pretty much right on top of you. Every time you look at a course for a hurricane on the news you don't see a line, you see a wedge of a predicted area that the hurricane could follow. You could get obliterated by it or just get some rain and wind.
The guy is doing the best he can from what i can tell. He's the mayor of a city, there's only so much he can do, he only has so much power. And when your city is wiped out you have no power. He's the mayor of a swamp now, can't do very much with that.
We Must Dissent.