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Old 09-02-2005, 06:15 PM   #10 (permalink)
who ever said streaking was a bad thing?
streak_56's Avatar
Location: Calgary
I just question how prepared the city and state was for this? Obviously not that well prepared. When most of the city is under sea level, what do you expect when such a force decimates the city? It wasn't a matter of how, it was a matter of when.

I agree whole heartedly with Maleficent, Guilani was a pillar of strength for New York. And I agree with the fact that Nagin is inciting panic with outbursts like that. But I also agree with the fact that he is HUMAN and he's angry because he doesn't see progress.

I feel that after the clean up and recovery has happened (two or three years later), that someone would think twice about living in New Orleans. Personally, I don't even think that they should build the city on the same site. It's a volitile site and is subject to many different types of hazards. Such as hurricanes and floods for example. When I see the out bursts of people on the news, showing how bad things are, yes it is true that action should've been taken quicker. But what resources does the Mayor allocate to this situation?

Thank god Houston opened their hearts to help out. But I don't see what the Mayor has done, what the Governor has done. Federal troops are in there now to help people out and to bring food. I know that here in Canada we're waiting for the word that we can help out, but there's no response. Personally, I don't see how this compares to 9/11, which was a terrorist attack not a natural disaster. It should be a state and/or local problem that should be resolved there.

I would just hope that further incidents can be prevented from this, that the city needs to plan for this, that it is inevitable when your city is below sea level. Mother nature is a power to be reckon with. And I sympathize for the family and friends that have lost many lives in their struggle to survive. I have a friend going to school in New Orleans, still haven't heard back from him, thats why some of us have to sit back and wait patiently.
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