While I can understand people loving their pets like family, and even considering their pets to be part of their family....I think the couple is overreacting.
As much as you love your pets and as close as they are to you...It's not uncommon for dogs to not be allowed into certain public or private properties. While you may not mind the smell of your dog or the fur if it gets everywhere, some people do, and when you buy a dog, that is one of the consequences you should be aware of and be able to deal with in a mature way.
People do this with small children too.
While your dog and/or kid may be cute and lovable, not everyone will feel the same way. If someone told you that you couldn't bring your infant to the movies or into a fancy resturant, you would be expected to obey their wishes like a mature individual or go elsewhere. The same thing is true with pets.
They just aren't welcome in all situations, and being either a parent or a pet owner, you need to accept that you will have to go places and do things without your child/pet once in a while.
While pet owners may have a point in telling you that you need to understand the point of view of the pet owner, the pet owners need to understand the point of view and wishes of someone who does not own or want anything to do with their pet.
If they weren't expecting an issue like this to arise at some point in the course of their pet's life, I don't know who they think they were kidding.