First, explain to me how a gun just goes off by accident. Second, if I enter your business, you will not know I have a gun, unless it's absolutely necessary for me to use it. I spent an entire day at a local fair type event with an off duty police officer, it was not until I got into my car and unholstered my gun to place it onto the seat next to me that he realized I was carrying one. This is somebody who is trained to notice EVERYTHING. If you see my gun in your place of business, I guarantee it's because somebody's life is in immediate danger, and your likely to thank me when I eliminate that threat.
As far as a pickpocket lifting my gun, if I'm carrying concealed, he nor anybody else will even know I have the gun. What happens if the pickpocket brings a gun with him and starts shooting people?
On a side note, Pan, are you aware that your state is a "shall issue" state? Meaning that if I'm not legally barred from receiving a CCW permit that they are legally required to issue it to me.