Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
of course it didnt have anything to do with bush....that doesnt meant somebody isnt gonna try to sneak a bash in!!!
(somebody needs to spank ratbastid  )
Bring it on, baby!!
Look, here's the bottom line, for me: When I am the boss, if something goes wrong on my watch, it goes wrong on my watch and that's the end of the story. Doesn't really matter if I knew it was going wrong, or if I personally had anything to do with it. I'm the boss. It went wrong on my watch. That makes me responsible. It's a question of integrity and accountability. With (some, not all) past POTUSes, that was the way it was too. It's just clearly not the case with this administration.
I have more to say about this, but as tecoyah points out, it's off topic.
Yes, FEMA has failed us, but it's not just FEMA.