Originally Posted by j8ear
While I suspect strongly that FEMA is lagging significantly, at this point I am inclined to place EVERY SINGLE bit of blame on that worthless sack of shit 'leading' the city of NO.
Ray Nagin has been completely worthless and unsuccessful in leading the city he was elected to serve. Now, and as is evidenced by the destruction wrought on his city, before this disaster, for which he and all of us KNEW the consequences. He has deteriorated into a self serving, career salvaging politician, unconcerned with his city, it's citizen's or the effects his failures have placed on the rest of the country, and solely interested in deflecting blame away from himself.
It's fun to blame someone, for sure, and part of the US psyche...but the federal government is not to 'blame....' yet!
I totally agree, if he had wanted to take care of the leaves he could have lobbied congress for money instead of dumping money into the pockets of the hornets. I have a few friends who have relative from NO and they say the city (except for the french quarter) is a crime ridden shit hole.
I blame local government, if they had force evac. like they were told to it wouldn't have been an issue. If they had improved leavies from the 1920 it wouldn't have been a problem.
I bet the media will make him out to be a hero