Originally Posted by IC3
If you ask me..What's going on down there is a pretty good "In the Face" at what the human race can turn into when deprieved of water & food...Now, I'm not saying every human would be like this. But alot of us would.
I hope we never have a black out again for more than a few days.
I'm sure most of us affected by the 2003 power outage saw all the people flippin the fuck out, which actually caused more headache than necessary.
There was absolutely NO reason for it - the power goes out, suddenly people clog the gas stations, buy out all the batteries and water, etc, creating a mess for the rest of us that realize it's not really a big deal and have enough sense and stability to live without power for long periods of time.
Imagine not only being without power, but water, police, etc. Every single zone you saw people piling into to get supplies during the power outage WILL be complete and utter anarchy in the event something major happened. Guranteed.