Wish I could tell you what to do Pyro but we are in similar boats. Congrats on making it two weeks! I haven't smoked cigarettes (never been a smoker) but I have smoked just a tiny bit of weed. Just a couple of puffs to help me sleep. Pot has never been my thing either. I'm leaving my bank card at home and just carrying enough cash around for lunch or snacks each day so I won't be able to slip into a bar and get smashed. I know what you are going through. The more you try not to think about it the more you obsess about it. Some sort of support will probably be needed for us both. I'm trying to hit the gym, its a good stress relief and the endophin rush of a really hard work out is a nice "fix". You might give it a try. Good luck.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.