The oil is out there for many years to come , but at current pricing much of it is uneconomical. That may sound strange , but even at $70/bbl the cost outweighs the reward. Processing oil shale and tar sands doesn't become economic with current technology until oil reaches somewhere around $100/bbl. The "low hanging fruit" has largely been picked, so we now are working on much more expensive options. The point of worldwide consumption being on the increase is absolutely true. China and India in particular now compete for product in a major way on the world stage. They must have oil in order to continue to develop. It's not prety , but I don't know of anywhere that it states "there is a God given right to "cheap" energy". By the way, If there was an easy alternative energy source discovered and immediately available, it would take somehing on the order of 20 years to convert all the vehicles and "fossil fuel" burning apparati to that new source, not to mention untold Billions of dollars. Conservation is where its at. I make my living in the oil biz, but we all need to make good solid choices for our children. Nuclear energy is not a terrible choice, but it has to be handled properly. Advances in technology make it much safer than it was in the 80's, but just like fossil fuels it has its downside, waste, risk. And the expense for government mandated "safety" requirements make it non competitive when compared with fossil fuels at the current cost levels. Additionally, folks don't want Nuclear plants built in their backyards. I don't either.
If I was any better I'd have to be twins!