Originally Posted by StanT
The lady floating in the water is someone's grandmother, mother, or wife. The New York Times is trying to sell papers at her expense. I don't find it graphic or disturbing, I find it in poor taste.
Right now, there are several hundred mothers, fathers, children, etc., lying and floating out in plain view of everyone down there. Rescue effort comes first, then body removal. That's the way it is.
The reason most people complain about sensationalizing things is because the media will take something and show the worst, show the most graphic, show the most heart-wrenching of a situation... but this is a small sample. This is ONE body. There are LOTS of bodies just sitting around down there. This is not "picking one outrageous element and making the whole thing seem bigger". This is what's littering the streets in many areas.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
I really don't understand the "reality check" mentality. This isn't reality for many people. Actually, it's not reality for MOST people. Some might find it disturbing, and there's nothing wrong with that. People need to get off their high horses about how "real" and in touch they are because they don't mind seeing a dead body.
1. This is reality for about 15,000 to 20,000 people definitely still trapped within the city. That's a very large number of people to turn your back on and say, "this doesn't effect EVERYONE". Thousands more have nothing to come back to, have lost family, friends, everything.
2. I don't think anyone in here has had any kind of "I'm better than ______" attitude with regard to "being able to see dead bodies". Those who are calling this reality are simply saying that some people need thicker skin. I don't think anyone is using this disaster as an opportunity to brag. Many, however, are using it to affirm to everyone else in the world just how little a person can care about devastating loss of human life and the total destruction of a city.
If there's any bragging going on in here, it's that some of us give two shits about the world around us, and aren't so self-centered that they think of no one but themselves.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
People have no obligation to familiarize themselves with the world's problems, and if they don't want to be reminded of them, it's perfectly fine.
That's the single-most insensitive comment i've read in a long time. Your tune would be the total opposite if you or your family lived in New Orleans right now, wondering where the red cross is... you know, with FOOD, or even WATER. This kind of attitude only carries a person until they're the one whose everyday life has been destroyed, and decended into hell.