Originally Posted by JinnKai
When I graduated high school I got a "perfect attendance" award for all four years. I rarely got sick, and since my father drove me to the bus (which then drove me to school) I didn't exactly have the opportunity to skip out. It was the best decision my parents made regarding my upbringing. I see SO many people fucking up in college becuase they didnt learn the basic stuff in high school that they'd "never need." They decided they could skip that one class in Algebra I to hang out with their friends ('cause it isn't on the test) -- but guess what -- you'll need it in college!
I bloody hate school but letting your child skip it is telling them they can skip out on things they dont like if they think they won't use it later. Sure, you can even know about it and agree with it .. but do you know whats being taught that day? Maybe it is some super-cool event.. but they're in school until they're 18 because the World is a better place with educated people.
I'd have to disagree somewhat. While letting your teen skip consistently can cause trouble (I had a friend who kept a 4.0 but would miss two or three days a week, so it's not certain), allowing very rare breaks isn't a recipe for disaster. There can be balance between a perfect attendance and a horrible one. Having a day to relax (that's not the weekend when there is schoolwork to do most likely) is nice every now and then and won't hurt a students progress.
Also, I did always know what was being taught on days I missed. All my classes had calenders that we followed.
All in all I think it really depends on the individual child. When I try to address something like this I've noticed that I assume that there won't be trouble (ie alcohol) and that they might just go see a movie or something -- stuff I would do. Some kids might use the day irresponsibily and try to make it an often occasion, while other kids might just take that day off to relax and be prepared to hit the books at school again the next day.