Originally Posted by pan6467
I find it amazing these "pro gun rights" people totally disregard anyone else's rights. If I own a business and I say no guns and I mean no guns then you bringing a gun on my property shows great disrespect, a "fuck you" attitude towards my rights as to what I want on my property, and a callous self serving ignorant behavior that most of you accuse those who are in favor of gun control as having.
The same holds true for private property owners saying "I don't want African-Americans or gays (or whomever) on my property". Is that acceptable? Based upon your position of "moderately" depriving people of their civil liberties, I would have to say that such a conclusion is the logical extension of your argument. Or is the 14th Amendment somehow more valuable than the Second Amendment?
If you open your property to the public, you have to accept that the public will come....including parts of the public that you may not want. And that's simply too bad for the property owner.