Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I am just gonna repost what I posted in the "buy gas tonite thread" (may daddy worked for Plantation pipeline for over 30 years and my grandfather worked for Colonial for over 30 years as well)
I can only explain for the south and north east....remember, that even as far away as NJ gets their gas from LA/MS depending on which oil company you're talking about.
Pipeline company lesson #1
Whats happening right now is that the two pipelines that run from texas and louisiana have their main staging areas in Baton Rouge and Pascagoola (sp?) Plantation pipeline runs up thru Virginia, Colonial runs to Linden NJ....from LA/MS staging areas to Bremen GA...the pipes run uphill thus require power for the 8000 hp motors.... The pipes should not be damaged as they lay 12 feet underground, BUT they run up hill from Baton Rouge to Bremen Ga (which is right at the alabama state line). They have no power, there are not many generators that can run a 6k-8k hp motor which is why they are only running a 35%. The line that runs from Bremen GA to Greensboro NC doesnt require power to pump the tanks because gravity does the work for them. The other option they have is to pump straight from a barge, but the barges cant get to the staging areas right now. They are kind of stuck until they can get either power, or large enuff generators to the main staging site.
On a normal day they will pump around 800,000 barrells per day...each barrell is 42 gallons. Right now if they are running at 35% they are pumping 280,000 barrells which would be 11,760,000 gallons a day.
We arent running out of gas....its just taking time to get it here.
This part of it I understand, but I don't understand prices rising here on the west coast, or the rest of the country.