Originally Posted by Marvelous Marv
There's only one word that describes your post:

As others have pointed out, I did say "wacko". If you also look at my post you will see that I said "religious"... Not, Hindu, Christian, Islamist, etc... No modifier.
First off, like many who first read this thread and didn't read the article the OP makes it seem like the condom cannot be removed from the woman without surgery, rather than from the man's Penis as the article states. This makes a big difference in how one views this article.
To surgically insert a device like this into someone would be just a little twisted. Especially if it was a child.
Correct me if I am wrong but there are many extreme practices in religious circles that attempt to curtail the sexuality of women... The most extreme examples of this are female circumcision and the sewing closed of a woman's vagina. This barbaric practice is performed on children by people who purport to be religious in their intent.
There are many religions and cultures that hold the virginity of women before marriage as someting sacrosanct. It is not a far stretch to imagine that they would see a device such as this, surgically inserted into their daughters as a good thing. A positive thing.
Of course, once you see that it is a device that can be easily removed, the entire wacko factor of the story becomes much less so, in my opinion.