Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
It seems like it should do that. A couple of things really, make it so that it should have to be removed by surgery (Though I don't see how since a knife could cut off a laytex condom and yo ucould slide it out...), then have something on the barbs that irritates the hell out of the skin, makes it itchy, extra sore, or something like that, then if possible have some kind of dye in it that makes the penis a nasty shade of green.
But I'm sure that having that inside of a woman's body would just be potential for something bad to happen.
Edit - And to be extra effective they should have a rather wide insertion I guess that enters the urethra that's just wide enough to cause a lot of pain and basically plug your bladder.
So you want to have a device that, when the woman is raped, discharges a poison? Keep in mind it's still IN her body when the thing is triggered, so any dye or poison or irritant you stuff in it is going to get her too.