Originally Posted by Mondak
Helo must not have had a single friend of family member on Caprica is all I can deduce about that. I mean not to get all political here since I think the whole "War on Terror" is completly off base, BUT I still get very upset about the Twin Towers and the things that happened that day. That was 3000 people. Caprica and the other colonies were billions dead. I think I would hold a bit of a grudge is all. Helo and all the other simpathizers are just a bit unbelieveable to me.
Well, that's one way of looking at it. On the other hand, Helo fell for her well before he learned she was an organo-toaster. Knowing she's carrying his child, he may just be unable to reconcile the fact she's not human. Cylon or not, he loved her then, and you can't just turn off feelings like that. World is not black and white, even in war.