Some of my buddies talk about the PTSD and coming home and adjusting to sleeping with the spouse after being away for 9 months. One guy had to move because he lived right by a rail yard in town and whenever the train cars would be switching in the yard it sounded like incoming mortar rounds. He thought he was being bracketed, over and over again.
Another guy broke his wife's nose becasue she snuck up on him and pounced on him (playfully) as he napped on the couch. He hit her before he was awake. Try telling that one to the social worker...
And me, well, if I haven't posted it already, my wife thought it would be cool to tickle my neck while we were cuddling on the couch. It felt like I had a spider on me. I had some VERY BAD EXPERIENCES WITH SPIDERS, and totally lost it. I was curled up on the ground, crying, and she said "Okay, I guess I won't tickle you anymore..."
That would be funny, listening to someone knock on the door and then hearing it get kicked in.
BTW: Who is that guy with the soothing voice on the CBC radio? I think the name is Yorgen Goth, but that can't be right. When I hear him on the radio when I drive, he totally relaxes me, and I become the super-courteous driver. LOL, I should listen to CBC more often.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.