I almost never watch TV... so it's a very, very rare occassion that I accidentally leave it on.
The last time this happened, there was some cheesy movie on... and i woke up because the tv was making sounds like someone knocking on a door. Well, I barely heard it and had my head down, so i didn't see the tv was on... half a second later, the door gets kicked in. It's insanely loud. I have a great surround system and my subwoofer is right near my bed (because that's where I watch movies). In my near-awake state, i thought someone had busted in my bedroom door, grabbed a knife I keep attached to my nightstand, and lunged at the door.
The door now has a knife wound, and I have a great story of my craziness. lol
(never been in the armed forces, and I keep a knife by my nightstand because you never know... i'm paranoid like that.)