Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I don't need vacation boy telling me that I need to conserve...the sign at the gas station already told me that.
Amen. I am very very glad I thought ahead and bought gas Sunday morning...now I'm going to have to stretch that tank until kingdom come in order to keep my budget intact. That means more walking, biking, taking the bus, and carpooling. Thank goodness I live in a city where all of this is feasible. But what about those who don't? My parents live in a very rural, economically depressed area. There is a bus system but the majority of the county is not served by it. These people are going to start facing the following choice: buy gas to get to work or buy other necessities. Those other necessities are going to go up in price as fuel costs rise. The poor will just get poorer and the rich richer; this seems like a hell of a way to support the American dream.