A video game and game system incorporating a game character's sanity level that is affected by occurrences in the game such as encountering a game creature or gruesome situation. A character's sanity level is modified by an amount determined based on a character reaction to the occurrence such as taking a rest or slowing game progress and/or an amount of character preparation. That is, if a character is prepared for the particular occurrence, the occurrence may have little or no affect on the character's sanity level. As the character's sanity level decreases, game play is effected such as by controlling game effects, audio effects, creating hallucinations and the like. In this context. the same game can be played differently each time it is played.
I didn't know you could patent these types of things in games!?
Eternal Darkness (the only game i know with a sanity meter) was an awesome game; are there any other games which have a similar sanity meter or halucination type system? i thought it was incredibly innovative when i played it a few years back and was suprised that i hadn't come across other games "borrowing" this sanity system. Although now they have a patent for it