Originally Posted by xepherys
Hmm, no... It's their property... what the laws of the state and the constitution of the nation say goes. They can't make murder legal on their property. They cannot declare themselves a tax-free zone. They cannot sell alcohol without a proper permit. It doesn't matter that it's THEIR property.
True - they can't make illegal behavior legal. However, they CAN limit legal behavior within their property.
Your employer
CAN tell you that you can't drink [alcohol] during work hours, even though that's LEGAL.
CAN tell you that you can't wear cutoff jeans to work, even though it's LEGAL to do so.
CAN tell you not to hurt their business by telling their customers exactly what you think of them, even though your right to do so is protected by the First Amendment.
You have a right to carry firearms in public, not necessarily in private locations...and certainly not where specifically prohibited by other law(airports, post offices, etc.).