Originally Posted by Hardknock
I think that you just have to control yourself. I personally have over $25,000 in plastic right now. Does that mean that I go out and charge till I drop? Fuck no. You have to exercise a little self control when you have that plastic in your pocket. For me, I live by the philosophy, if you don't have it then don’t spend it. That keeps me out of trouble.
At my age (19), a statement like yours has given me a pretty strong reason to avoid getting a credit card for another 5-7 years at the minimum.
I'm paying off a $5,500 loan for my car and have my own insurance policy (roughly $100/mo), so I am gaining credit in this regard. I can't find a single other solid reason to get a credit card, other than the fraud security (
almost matched by that of my check card) and maybe cash dividends for my purchases.