Thanks. Point well taken as I had not thought about that. I might be able to stretch it out even further, though. You'll notice on the last (crappydigicam) shot something yellow below the board. It's a bypass capacitor for the output caps seen on top (the round ones). The board is resting on the bottom of the case (on a trimmed-to-fit piece of plastic) and the bypass caps. Well,'s actually resting on the caps and lots of resistor leads that poke through! This should keep it from moving around too much...hopefully.
Thanks for the comments! I really had a great time building it. Listening to it is great...but building it was just as much fun. I'll work with this one for a year or so, then move up to the next model.
EDIT: BTW: I'm so glad I posted the pics and stuff here. I posted similar information at Head-fi, but nobody said anything...

Thanks for the ego-boosting comments. I love TFP!