Originally Posted by AVoiceOfReason
I know about the cultures that have a lot of children so they will have enough to provide for parents in old age. I question the whole concept behind that thinking, though--if you are starving, then how are straving children that become starving adults, and eating more of the limited amount of food, going to help? Someone needs to rethink that entire method of social security.
Hey, I can't prove the negative. If such aid from Muslim organizations to non-Muslims is common, I'd like to know about it, and surely someone as "suave" as you are can show it to one as "reasonable" as I am.
I named myself after my shampoo. I make no claims toward being suave, although if I must try, I will undertake the seduction of any member of these boards.
I agree with your first point, and I think that kind of education for developing countries is hugely important. Since we're introducing our technology and everything else, we must introduce our methods of coping with it as well.
If you want some evidence for Muslim NGOs:
A list of most of the major ones. :P