Heaven and earth shift in synch. It makes sense to him now. Silly games when he was young, losing his dog, the first kiss, the first heartbreak, winning a big game, falling from a tree and breaking his arm, getting a job, crashing his car, graduation, parties, hangovers, falling in love, big news, nervousness, waiting.
Memories piled up as a castle made of cards, leading up towards a light. His arms open wide, closing gently around it. The brightness warms his hands with its purity, its promise, its newness. His name is Adam and he must name it, he must make it real.
"Vivian." The word of life leaves him as a whisper, the light breathes it in. It softens, takes shape, becomes a beautiful girl.
Paradise comes to this room of white and blue. Silly games, nasty spills, ups and downs, all lead to this moment. The joy... the sheer joy! He doesn't blink. He never wants to blink again. He looks to his love, the source of this light, smiling.
"Vivian," she says, her face aglow with serenity. "I like it."
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.