My families standard rules were
1. 500 if you land on free parking ( and if you have to pay the hospital it goes in there)
2. snake eyes you get 100 bucks
3. you dont have to have houses in the bank to build hotels. I mean come on who in the hel would build 4 houses at once to tear them down and put a hotel on top of it?
4. we never played that if you own all the properties you get double rent ( real rule)
5. you can buy what you want when you want, if someone lands on it and dosent buy it it goes up for auction
6. no getting out the rule book and quoting some stupid rule.
most of aqll i never read the rules because i was taught how to play the game my family way. argh
what are your special rules?
Originally Posted by Redlemon
...but if you only add files and you never delete, there's nothing to cause file fragmentation, so pattycakes is correct.