Originally Posted by maleficent
Section 8 housing is where I draw the line, I started ranting about it in the other thread, but it's wrong, it's unfair to the people who pay full price, and it's got to end.
I don't see why this is a problem. I don't know exactly what Section 8 housing is (nice name to give it by the way

) but if it is anything like the geared to income housing we have here it seems to serve a reasonable purpose.
You make a building where some of the units are market rate and others are geared to income. Ultimately you provide decent (not top end just decent) affordable houseing for people who could otherwise live in shit holes or on the street.
I suppose we could rely on either landlords to keep their rents low enough for people afford or the government or some charity could build more shelters for families that can't afford the rent (I don't know about where you are but there is an extreme shortage of affordable housing in Toronto).
With this system a number of units in an otherwise ordinary apartment building are earmarked as geared to income. The idea is that it isn't a permanent location but if it is, so what? They are getting by. It isn't like they rolling dough and laughing all the way to the bank if they were, that would be fraud and they would do some time.