okay--i read the first page, and skipped to the last page. to strange/famous: you said that you were "really gonna push yourself this week" after having a bad week.
don't need to do that. just try to stick to what you want your routine to be. hell, you've punished yourself enough to get to 300+ and now you're doing something to help yourself. punishing will only tend to make you resent the whole idea even more.
when i quit smoking cigarettes some 18-20 years ago, i just said i was going to stop. but if i wanted another, i would, no bfd.
never had another one. but i NEVER stressed about the occasional craving [which DID go away]. if you can't have one, you want it more; if it's not bad to have one, then it's not as desirable.
so be kind to yourself. keep focused on your LONG-TERM GOALS!! they are quite noble. and achievable.
my daughter had a baby a year ago, and has lost over 70 pounds with weight watchers. smaller now than high school--she just turned 32.
trick is to find something--anything--that works, and stick to it.
good luck to everyone!!
beetle bailey, pfc: veteran of the acid wars,
six tours, distinguished conduct medal, honorable discharge