Originally Posted by Suave
He was not brought up with nearly the same conceptual framework that you have. It's like someone blaming you for only having one or two children, then moving somewhere that you find out you need more. Is it somehow your fault that you were raised with the expectation of having a low number of children, and not requiring offspring to help you survive?
I know about the cultures that have a lot of children so they will have enough to provide for parents in old age. I question the whole concept behind that thinking, though--if you are starving, then how are straving children that become starving adults, and eating more of the limited amount of food, going to help? Someone needs to rethink that entire method of social security.
A person is a person, regardless of religious beliefs.
Considering your name, it's interesting that you have not provided any evidence to back up your anti-Islamic implications.
Hey, I can't prove the negative. If such aid from Muslim organizations to non-Muslims is common, I'd like to know about it, and surely someone as "suave" as you are can show it to one as "reasonable" as I am.