Originally Posted by AVoiceOfReason
Uh, yeah, I am blaming them for it. First, if you can't get enough food for yourself, or you're living in a land of political persecution, bringing kids into the situation isn't wise in any culture. Second, after you have 6 of them on the ground surviving, the cultural need for the 7th is questionable, and the 8th after in this country is just jawdropping. The article said it was the number of rugrats that was causing this to be a problem.
He was not brought up with nearly the same conceptual framework that you have. It's like someone blaming you for only having one or two children, then moving somewhere that you find out you need more. Is it somehow your fault that you were raised with the expectation of having a low number of children, and not requiring offspring to help you survive?
I wonder how many Muslim groups are providing such services for Lutherans?
A person is a person, regardless of religious beliefs.
Considering your name, it's interesting that you have not provided any evidence to back up your anti-Islamic implications.