Even if there is some anecdotal evidence that some people abuse public assistance programs, they still serve a purpose.
In many ways, public assistance is merely a bone thrown to those who have benefited the least from the status quo. It was probably conceived with the notion that everybody should be able to eat food, drink water, and get shelter. It's not that radical a notion. In fact, i would wager that most of you benefited from a similar arrangement up until you were about eighteen years old. After this arbitrary point in time you were expected to move out and become a full fledged cog in the american economic machine.
Unfortunately, there seems to always be some portion of the human race who is content to live off the work of their fellow human. Due to the fact that the lower class lost the class war long before george washington was ever born, i think we generally only consider poor people when we visualize your typical economic parasite. I think that most of the richest people are just as parasitic and just as lazy and just as apt to benefit from what could be considered the squandering of your tax dollars(or the avoidance paying them all together).