Originally Posted by brian1975
I don't understand, why is that everytime it seems that there is a discussion regarding something like this its always the extremes that are pointed out. Buying steak and crablegs with food stamps. Come on, I would add a comment but I am sure all people are going to mention is the small portion of people who get more than what others think they should get. If bill said that most are abusing I would like to see stats, but frankly i really don't care as I too believe that welfare is abused as a whole, but not as glamours as everyone here is witnessing every day apparently. I only know the canadian welfare system, and if you think a family of 7 is eating steak on there welfare check, there not. Not unless tube steak is what you ment.
When I was a cashier, I witnessed it. EVERY DAY. No, not everyone that came in did outrageous things, but a lot of times it was a simple as someone who, quite frankly, was too overweight to be healthy, couldn't work because of health related issues, and then loaded up a cart with junk food. I saw this EVERY DAY. That is abuse, IMO, because it is a cycle that people get into, thinking that it's ok to keep killing themselves on my dollar.
Now, I do believe in helping people who need it. I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet so they can provide for themselves in the future. I *don't* believe in providing a freeloading lifestyle to people who have the potential and opportunity to do better for themselves, but choose not to.