Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I see people at the supermaket checkout, buying steaks and crablegs with foodstamps, while I look at my own purchase of hamburger and generic froot loops. I see this, and I ask...why?
This is exactly what I was talking about in the other thread. Seeing people with carts loaded with expensive meat, lots of junk food and nothing healthy, people buying family members groceries because they had "plenty left on their EBT cards", women with manicures, leather jackets, new cars, and plenty of bling buying food on food stamps. The best though, was a woman who bitched me out because I refused her daughter's WIC coupon. She blamed me for the child going without milk, after she had purchased two cartons of cigarettes.

There are serious abuse issues here, that every taxpayer pays for, and what I've mentioned just scratches the surface.
I think your drug testing idea is a great one, Bill. With your pull on Capitol Hill, maybe you should try to get it through