Originally Posted by maleficent
Where does it say on the Welcome mat to the United States that you can live where ever the hell you want,
I wonder how much of a voice the family had in the decision to be placed in that area.
When I was a kid, we had a family of Vietnamese refuges move to town. If I recall, they were sponsored by a local church. Of course I do not know what assistance they got other than neighborly assistance from the sponsoring church and the kindness of other townspeople. The father got a job at the grade school as a janitor and they lived in a modest home that they rented until they were able to afford to purchase a home some years later. This home I believe was purchased through a government program, but purchased by the Phams nevertheless. The children grew up, went to school and have done well and the father retired from his custodian job and still lives here.
Had this family been placed in the Colonial Estates addition of a larger and wealthier neighboring town, I suppose the Phams would have found it a tough row to hoe as this Somali family has. Clearly there needs to be some thought as to where to place refugee families. It doesn’t seem that the Mohameds were given any regard as to what the family’s earning potential would be in comparison to their living expenses. Without a doubt it is time for Lutheran Social Services to evaluate how they place families.
Somehow I also question if the Mohameds have a sense of entitlement or does the writer of the original article. If I had to make a bet, I think it likely the writer does. Hopefully this family can find self sufficiency before a sense of entitlement gets hammered into them. There are places better suited than where the Mohameds were put to giving them a chance to make it on their own and the government needs to realize this and put them there if they are going to be in the refugee business.