the actual definition of section 8 housing is
This type of affordable housing is based on the use of subsidies, the amount of which is geared to the tenant's ability to pay. The subsidy makes up the difference between what the low-income household can afford, and the contract rent established by HUD for an adequate housing unit. Subsidies are either attached to specific units in a property (project-based), or are portable and move with the tenants that receive them (tenant-based). The Section 8 program was passed by Congress in 1974 as part of a major restructuring of the HUD low-income housing programs.
Where I'm complaining about it, it's not public housing or a housing project. you can look at pretty much any apartment complex or building, and the average tenant might pay 1000 per month, where as a section 8 tenant might only pay 400 per month, for exactly the same benefits, in exactly the same units. It's a benefit for the building management company because thy get paid no matter what, but for the people who live there, let's just say in my experience with section 8 tenants, they don't always treat the place like it's really 1000 dollars a month... they treat it like a 400 dollar a month place.
Originally Posted by ryfo
Just to get it clear, is section 8 sort of like public housing? Over here its govenment houseing and its a pearcentage of your income (i think) Then again over here if yu have alot of kids you get a lot of family assistance. Also linked to your income.