Rechargable electric cars sound fascinating. It would be awesome if we could produce such a thing that is as power and energy-efficient as the average vehicle on the road today.
well when you think about it, the energy efficiency of the internal combustion engine is not so great. Remembering back to my thermodynamics days, the average petrol car is about 30% efficent, combining cost of mining, purifying, refining and not least transport of the fuel to your car, the efficiency takes a nose dive.
The elecric on the other hand is considerably more efficient, not sure about numbers, but with the generation and delivery infrastucture fixed and only needing minor expansion occasionally. As long as the clean generation methods become more popular, we're set.
Also its irrelevant when we run out of "fossilised" oil, we have to use something else. no more of this oil is being created, how sustainable is it to use something that isn't being regenerated at all.