Originally Posted by BigBen931
The energy created by nuclear power is also more efficient and clean (minus that real nasty nuclear waste stuff, I'm talking about air/water/other pollution) than other forms.
Oh, wait. Fear-mongering has pushed that viable option out of our conversation...
The thing is, when considering nuclear power as an energy alternative, that package comes with the nuclear waste. If you're so eager to jump onto the nuclear power bandwagon, you'll need to consider the waste that comes with it, and have some idea of how to dispose of it safely. It's not something you can dismiss in light of "nuclear power is otherwise cleaner for the environment" -- I can't imagine Mother Nature appreciating that glowing green gunk very much.
You're right about the fear-mongering, though. There have been enough major incidents with nuclear power going horribly wrong that the general public isn't ready to see how efficient it truly can be. Though, if you dig deep enough, you can find dirt on just about anything. It's just easier to do this with nuclear power.
Rechargable electric cars sound fascinating. It would be awesome if we could produce such a thing that is as power and energy-efficient as the average vehicle on the road today. I know that there are some test models out there, but I have no idea how the hold up against the cars we have now. If it is a lesser alternative in any way, society won't buy into it; our culture has become too dependant on gas transportation to settle on anything below our standards.
One thing to consider with electric cars is whether you could also create electric transport trucks, jumbo jets, ferries, et cetera. Otherwise, oil will still be used in large quantities, and its longevity will still be an issue.
And on top of all that, petroleum is
still used to create a great number of things, not the least of which is plastic. So unless we find a non-oil-based alternative to just about every aspect of our lives, the threat (or "scare tactic") of running out of oil still looms above us.