Originally posted by Kadath
How can anyone consider this man informed or intelligent? It is not his politics that offend me, but his behavior and way of dealing with people who disagree with him. He is dismissive, insulting, and outright rude. He is not a respectable person in any way.
I don’t know if contradict is the word and is probably a little harsh because your just stating your opinion, but you ask how anyone can consider him informed or intelligent and yet while you don’t say you disagree with his politics. His demeanor doesn’t factor into how informed he is, because Vie seen him pull out facts in hard copy that have validity few can dispute.
IMO allot of people I know (including myself in the past) have grown accustomed to fake conversations. A small example that may illustrate: You were talking to someone you only consider an acquaintance; upon parting one of you makes the statement "Hey give me a call" when you actually prefer not to. The other responds "OK" knowing that they aren’t going to call. Person A knows person B is bullshiting and person B knows person A knows they're bullshiting and yet they go through the conversation anyway. Political correctness, the fear of confrontation, ass kissing, etc are all forms of fake conversations. Bill doesnt have them and usually wont allow them. Alot of people when called on their shit will take it as being rude. I just think it’s what alot of us have grown accustomed to. The ones he’s rude to usually say things that are apparently bullshit, but no one around them calls them on. So he’s doing them a favor. I’m not stating that here because I don’t want to get into the argument he was having with Rothschild I think that subject is a little to heated for this forum, maybe that’s why I've never seen it posted here. I don’t watch him every night, but the times I do watch I find entertaining.