Originally Posted by Charlatan
) If you do have to arrive at your destination in the middle of the night, get thee to sleep immediately. I find when I fly to Asia this is the worst time to arrive as it is 12 or 13 hours ahead of my time zone (i.e. midnight Asia = noon Toronto). The first time I arrived at this hour I was buggered for the week. My advice is get some sort of sleep aid... I use a pill that is 100% Valerian root others I know have stronger stuff.
i'm very pill phobic, and except for aspirin, i won't take any kind of medicaiton... the only time i will pop a pill is each trip to australia - that trip is brutal... I've never had a problem getting a 4 pill prescription from my doctor for the trip - one pill for the plane - one pill to get me to sleep the night a arrive - then repeat those pills going home...