"Do not try and bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the Truth...there is no spoon. Only then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends...it is only yourself." ~ Matrix
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." ~ Princess Bride
"We have both kinds. Country, AND Western. " ~ Blues Bros.
"Ray: Soon as that car leaves in the morning, I'm going over the fence and I'm not coming back until I find a dead body." ~ The Burbs
"So now that you're dead, what do you plan on doing with the rest of your life?" ~ Heathers
Chris: "Kent's got his name on his license plate."
Mitch: "My mother does that with my underwear."
Chris: "Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?" ~ Real Genius
For example, I find that a lot of college girls are barbie doll carbon copies with few differences...Sadly, they're dumb, ditzy, immature, snotty, fake, or they are the gravitational center to orbiting drama. - Amnesia620