National 'dont buy gas' day?
Ok, so I, like many others recieved the massive 'omg dont buy gas on this day' chain letter today, and my real life buddy wrote a blog about it, and it completely sums up my entire thoughts on this chain letter and it totally rocks. so, thought I'd post it, all credit goes to my buddy Kasey.
If you buy GAS then the terrorists have won!!
Your Parade=Me raining on it
I'm sorry not to be like a huge cynic or a-hole about this, but this whole national gas-out chain letter that I've gotten like seven different posts of seems a tad trite. Ok, so your plan is to evoke a revolution via myspace using this propagandistic bulletin as the means. Alright, now here's where I rain. Myspace currently has roughly 22 million users, right? Now the population of the U.S. is pushing near 300 million. So IF everyone on myspace hopped on this bandwagon, they would all have to commit to telling about 15 people each, give or take. So assuming that everyone on here knows 15 people who aren't, you would still have to convince business owners to cease commerce for the day. Keep in mind this would need much more planning than wanting to do it on September 3rd or 11th unless those posts meant '06 which they didn't, but anyways. So let's say you convince your folks to lock up the H2 for a day and you convince the members of corporate America to hate money, now what. Now, you have to deal with the fact that people are going to be needing gas so you will have a spike leading up to the day, a dip the day of, and a spike the days after. I heard this same speech from a vegetarian once, "If the U.S. would just not eat meat for one day, there would be enough food to feed the world." Same propaganda, different topic.
O.K. but I guess since you guys are so original and revolutionary I'll play along. So where are we, oh yeah, we convinced UPS, FedEx, DHL, and the United States Postal Service to take a day off besides Sunday. I'm sure they won't mind the whole weekend off since it takes gas to run the planes and trucks, and besides, you guys can wait the extra day for your paychecks, right? And the public transportation wouldn't be able to go anywhere either because I'm pretty sure this isn't the Flintstones. So there are another few thousand workers that won't be making it into the office that day. Ah gas, not only the fuel of our vehicles, but the fuel of our economy!
So as much as I would like to yell, "COMMIE" to the person I see at the AMPM filling up there tank with the hi-test, I'm going to sit out this little armchair activist movement you guys have going. Not only that, I am going to make it a point to but as much gas as I can on that day (So bonfires, rallicross, and Molotov cocktails at my place on that day). Yeah so this is pretty much the dumbest idea I've heard in a while. Instead you guys should do your part in possibly using less gas or look into alternative fuel methods and step away from the 5MPG, 4WD, little beauty that you're going to drive daily and never take off road. Bubble Busted, me=sorry. If this post made you mad don't worry, with all the other bulletins I haven't reposted by the time you finish reading this my penis will have fallen off, my whole family will be killed before my eyes, I will have bad luck for ten years, and my crush still hasn't called (dirty slut).
Old signature just wasn't doing it for me anymore, so now I have this new one. It's equally as stupid but at least it looks really long. I'm probably just going to keep typing until I run out of things to babble about and see how many people actually read this. I once ran down a hill, fell down and hurt my elbow; my mom said I would be ok, she kissed it and made it all better. I've run out of things to say now, so if you have read this whole thing, congratulations you get a gold star!