Originally Posted by amonkie
My Dad is going to Toronto in less than two weeks... I've seriously considered hiding in his laptop case... they DO have the shrinking potion down safely now, don't they?
Have you heard that album by Steve Martin - Let's Get Small? He tells of getting really small, and getting inside of a vacuum cleaner. Then the drug wore off. So be careful, ok? If it does work out that would be really cool. My 2 cents
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Hadn't seen this thread, nor was I aware I was so...present in it.
Kramus, thank you for all the kind things you said about me (I never knew I had the ability to bring out a ravenous beast in anyone!). It's highly appreciated.
And I love the sketches...heck, I'm looking at Turtles and Longneck on my wall right now
Nice to hear the fellows have a place in your nest
As for the ravening beast remark my lovely Owl, come come now