sell stock to pay down debt or just bite the bullet with interest?
About a year ago I had a job for six months. During that six months of work, I put some money in the stock market. I bought index and industry funds since I'm a little scared with individual stocks. Anyways, over the 6 months I bought a total of about $2000 in securities.
Then the job ended and I went back to school. I saved and stashed away enough money to last me 6 months til school was over and when my new job started. I thought I had allocated enough money, but things here and there caused my projections to be off by about a month. I don't start my new job for another month and I'm running low on money for bills and such.
I know my securities aren't worth much to affect me long term. Would it be a good idea to sell any of the ones I've lost money on to get me by for the next month? Or would it be better to just get hit with the credit card interest rates (9%). I haven't owned the securities for over a year, but it shouldn't matter since I didn't make a profit right?