Originally Posted by zen_tom
If it is so ridiculous, then it should be easy to explain on what principle it is fine to advocate murder in one instance, and evil to advocate murder in another?
I would like to go back to Charlatan's post a few up...
Originally Posted by charlatan
Stevo you are right. They are not *exactly* the same but they are in same ball park. Different degrees of harshness but the same content -- religious leaders calling for the death of someone.
I stated earlier that robertson is not part of the solution, but part of the problem. he's a religious extremist, I see that point. I also never said it is fine to advocate murder, where did you get that I did? All I said was equating roberts statement to osama's (or any islamofacist leader) call for a war against the infadels is bologna - B O L O N E Y. Why the hell would I want to defent an ass like robertson? But equating what robertson said to what terrorists say is an insult to those killed by terrorism and to their families.
It seems like there's a little crowd out in TFP land that just needs to argue against robertson, no matter who it is with, so they put words in my mouth and act like I'm his biggest contributor. get a life.